Sunday, November 30, 2008

merubah file mpeg ke dvd

Membuat file MPEG agar dapat dijalankan pada player DVD sebenarnya mudah saja. Dengan software khusus untuk membuat file VCD dari file MPEG sudah banyak dilakukan. Untuk membuatnya tentu diperlukan sebuah CD burner. Tetapi bagaimana bila kita memanfaatkan sebuah drive DVD burner agar dapat menampung koleksi file VCD atau MPEG file dan dapat dijalankan pada player DVD.

Format MPEG memiliki ukuran lebih kecil dibandingkan format file DVD. Untuk media DVD disc sendiri memiliki kapasitas cukup besar dengan daya tampung 4.5GB atau untuk media dual layer akan mampu menampung hampir 2 kali dari standard DVD. Misalnya anda memiliki sebuah koleksi presentasi, film pribadi atau film berdurasi cukup lama, maka dengan media DVD mampu menyimpan koleksi film anda dengan panjang durasi sekitara 4 jam lebih hanya dengan 1 buah DVD disc

Bila anda tertarik memanfaatkan kemampuan media DVD disc agar file MPEG dapat masuk kedalam format DVD disc dan dapat dijalankan pada player DVD rupanya tidak semudah membuat file MPEG dimasukan kedalam bentuk format VCD disc. Dengan daya tampung 4.5GB dari media DVD disc, maka file MPEG dapat diputar lebih dari 4 jam dibandingkan kemampuan standard disc untuk CD-ROM yang hanya terbatas pada kapasitas 600-700MB untuk dibuat dalam 1 CD dengan durasi 1 jam saja.

Ada ketentuan khusus yang sangat penting, bila anda menginginkan MPEG file anda dapat dimasukan kedalam sebuah disc DVD. Format MPEG file standard memiliki sistem rata rata audio 44khz agar dapat berjalan normal pada player. Frame rate dari format MPEG bisa memiliki frame 21, 23.9, 25 atau 29.9FPS dengan format PAL atau NTSC. Sedangkan pada DVD player mengharuskan sistem audio dengan 48khz dengan frame rate 25 dan 29.9fps.

Tahap awalnya diperlukan pada tabel dibawah ini, untuk asumsi pada artikel ini untuk membuat DVD disc dengan format NTSC dengan 29.9fps

VCD Cutter FIle VCD cutter berfungsi untuk mengabungkan file MPEG atau file DAT dari VCD. Contohnya anda memiliki 4 file terpisah, maka dengan VCD Cutter anda dapat mengabungkan menjadi 1 buah file. Software ini juga bermanfaat bila ingin membuat 1 buah file film utuh dalam satu file dengan ukuran tidak lebih dari 1GB
TMPGplus Software TMPG plus diperlukan bila file MPEG file anda memiliki frame rate (fps) dibawah 29.9. TMPGplus dapat merubah file MPEG anda menjadi 29.9fps agar dapat diterima oleh software TMPGen DVD Authoer. Ketentuan pada software untuk mengkonversi file MPEG agar dapat masuk ke dalam disk DVD diperlukan file yang seragam.
TMPGenc DVD Author Software ini berfungsi untuk mengkonversi audio dari 44Khz menjadi 48Khz sebagai format audio yang diterima oleh player. Selain berfungsi sebagai konversi audio, TMPGenc DVD Author dapat langsung membuat file dengan directory untuk standard DVD.
Nero Burning Untuk Nero terbaru, software dapat langsung menerima hasil dari encoding TMPGenc DVD Author dan file dapat diburner pada DVD burner dengan software Nero.

Untuk singkatnya, fungsi fungsi software pada tabel dibawah ini.

VCD Cutter Cutting, Editing, Split, Joint MPEG file
TMPGplus Convert Frame rate file, Cutting, EditingSoft, convert Plugin format to MPEG
TMPGenc DVD Author Convert sound MPEG 44Khz to 48Khz, Generated output to DVD
Nero Burning Make DVD disc from output TMPEGenc DVD Author

VCD Cutter - Cutting, Editing, Split, Joint MPEG file

Dibawah ini adalah tampilan VCD Cutter. Software ini menerima format MPEG atau DAT VCD. Fungsinya sebagai pemotong, pengabung atau memisah misah file untuk dijadikan 1 bagian file. Anda tidak perlu memisah misah file menjadi beberapa bagian bila bertujuan untuk membagi track atau pilihan chapter. Karena pada software TMPGenc DVD Author memiliki fungsi tersebut. Perlu diingatkan, pada software TMPGenc DVD Author, file yang dihasilkan akan langsung dibagi dalam 1 bagian film tanpa potongan dengan ukuran yang dibagi maksimum 1GB. Untuk pembagian chapter atau memilih session chapter tidak lagi dibagi seperti file MPEG atau menu DVD. Karena sistem DVD berbeda dengan VCD. Manfaat lain dari VCD cutter, ketika melakukan potongan file dari sebuah film maka secara langsung file dalam format DAT yang digunakan pada VCD juga ikut terkonversi sebagai MPEG file. Jadi output dari VCD Cutter tidak lagi berbentuk format DAT VCD.

TMPGplus - Convert Frame rate file, Cutting, EditingSoft, convert Plugin format to MPEG

TMPGplus fungsinya mirip dengan VCD cutter. Hanya software ini lebih mengarahkan pemakai untuk pembuatan konversi frame rate, atau resize. Sedangkan VCD cutter memiliki kecepatan pada editing dan joint file. Bila file yang akan dimasukan pada media DVD memiliki keragaman misalnya ukuran, frame rate file berbeda beda dan fungsi zoom gambar

Pada wizard pilih format NTSC dengan 29.9fps. Berapapun frame rate yang dimiliki oleh film MPEG akan dikonversi ke format NTSC dengan 29.9fps tersebut.

Pada gambar bawah adalah ukuran output sebagai contoh dari 1 disc VCD dengan file MPEG yang dikonversi atau sudah dipotong sebagian dari file VCD dengan file DAT. Pada keterangan konversi bitrate, pada movie info masih tertera 44.100Hz atau 44Khz. Artinya TMPGplus hanya menyeragamkan file dalam bentuk NTSC dengan frame rate 29.9fps, sedangkan audio file tidak dirubah sama sekali.

Dibawah ini adalah proses encode dari TMPGplus dengan kisaran waktu 20 menit untuk file MPEG berukuran 500MB dan kecepatan CPU P4 2.4Ghz

Pada gambar dibawah ini adalah perbedaan ketika gambar asli dari MPEG/DAT VCD dengan 514.060KB (510MB) dengan frame rate 25fps, dan setelah konversi menjadi 29.9fps dengan ukuran 525.526KB (525MB)

TMPGenc DVD AuthorConvert sound MPEG 44Khz to 48Khz, Generated output to DVD

Proses terakhir dalam encode file MPEG/DAT agar dapat diterima oleh DVD player. Selain berfungsi untuk merubah audio 44Khz menjadi 48Khz, software TMPGenc juga dapat membuat track atau chapter/session file. Seperti tulisan diatas bahwa tidak perlu memotong motong file untuk pembuatan chapter pada format DVD, karena format DVD file hanya mengenal 1 buah file utuh dan pembagian 1GB maksimum. Sedangkan pembuatan Chapter/Session yang diinginkan untuk memudahkan melihat sebuah sesi film dapat langsung dibuat pada software ini. Kami tidak menceritakan banyak untuk software TMPGenc, dan anda dapat mencari bagaimana untuk membuat Chapter untuk DVD film anda

Dibawah ini adalah tampilan dari TMPGenc DVD Author.

Proses pembuatan film untuk DVD juga memerlukan proses encode untuk merubah atau mengkonversi audio dari MPEG (44Khz) ke DVD (48Khz). File gambar pada software ini tetap tidak dirubah dan hanya sistem audio saja yang dilakukan encoding. Untuk konversi file berukuran 4GB agar menjadi file DVD diperlukan waktu sekitar 3-4 jam.

Dibawah ini adalah hasil output TMPGenc DVD Author dengan 2 directory yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk burner dari software Nero Burning

Nero Burning - Make DVD disc from output TMPEGenc DVD Author

Yang terakhir adalah sesi termudah, membuat DVD disc. Gunakan software Nero burning untuk membuat DVD disc dengan DVD burner. Bisa juga digunakan CDwriter untuk membuat file MPEG menjadi DVD dengan batas ukuran dari CD yang tidak lebih dari 600MB.

Anda cukup memasukan kedua file dari hasil output TMPGenc DVD Authoer dan memindahkan ke main directory dari Nero Burning. Selanjutnya anda dapat membuat DVD dengan software Nero Burning

Final word :Burn baby

Beberapa kesulitan pada format DVD dari hasil konversi diatas

Pada test pengujian kami, hasil output yang dibuat dari tulisan diatas memang mengalami kompatibel dengan software computer seperti PowerDVD. Tetapi hasil DVD disc yang dibuat dapat dijalankan pada player DVD biasa. Pembuatan selection atau pilihan chapter/session film juga berjalan normal seperti hasil yang kami buat.

Untuk percobaan ada baiknya melakukan dengan DVD RW. Dan hindari pemakaian pemeriksaan output dari virtual drive atau Nero Image karena hasil output belum tentu dapat dilihat melalui software DVD seperti PowerDVD.

Konversi AC3 akan mengurangi ukuran file VOB (4 Juli 2006

Sejak dibuatnya software DVD tahun 2005, versi terbaru sudah memberikan driver untuk mengkonversi bagian suara ke format AC3. TMPG express, TMPG DVD Author sudah memberikan tambahan fungsi konversi dari MP3 ke AC3. Software lain yang dapat membantu adalah WinAVI video conveter dan VSO ConvertX to DVD

Saturday, November 22, 2008

5 Tips for Photoshop Efficiency

5 Tips for Photoshop Efficiency

1. Learn to use keyboard shortcuts for accessing tools

Move your mouse cursor over to the toolbox, scan the toolbox for the tool you want to use, click on it, move back to your canvas. Is this what you do to change tools in Photoshop? Switching tools by going back to the toolbox and selecting your new tool each time takes up precious seconds that add up to minutes and hours over longer projects . Becoming familiar with Photoshop’s keyboard shortcuts for accessing tools shaves off that time and keeps your cursor within the canvas area so that you don’t have to figure out where you were before you switched tools.

Keyboard shortcuts for the tools are displayed in a tooltip along with the name of the tool when you hover over the tool. In the diagram below, I’ve hovered over the Move tool. The keyboard short cut shows up in parentheses – in this case, if you’re in Photoshop and simply hit “v” on your keyboard, you’ll automatically switch to the Move tool.

Some tools have flyout menu options for selecting from similar tools. Often, these tools share the same shortcut. In the example below, you can see that the Brush tool, Pencil tool, and Color Replacement tool share “b” as the keyboard shortcut. Simply hitting “b” on your keyboard will switch to whichever tool was previously selected (in this case, the Brush tool). To switch to the Pencil or Color Replacement tools, you’ll have to type Shift-B to cycle through the other tools.

The easiest way to begin learning keyboard shortcuts is to focus on a couple of the tools that you use most often and practice using the keyboard shortcuts for them. As you commit them to memory and instinct, you can add on other tool shortcuts as you go! Here are the ones that I personally use most often:
  • M – Marquee tools
  • V – Move tool
  • C – Crop tool
  • B – Brush, Pencil tools
  • U – Vector shape tools (rectangle, ellipse, etc.)
  • P – Pen tools
  • A – Direct Selection and Path Selection tools
  • D – Changes the foreground color to black and the background color to white
  • X – Switches the foreground and background colors
  • Q – Changes between Quick Mask and Standard modes

Anime Popularization

"The Popularization of Anime"
By: Lawrence Eng

The popularization of anime has never been a more contentious issue as it is now, mainly due to the fact that it's actually happening, and not everyone is pleased with the results. I've been on mailing lists and discussion forums where fans who were so-called "old-timers" (but who had just gotten into fandom a few years ago before the Pokemon boom) expressed their distaste of the fact that anime has become so popular, that it's no longer the domain of just a very few dedicated fans who have privileged access to the medium, that it's become cheapened by popular shows such as Pokemon, Digimon, Dragonball, and Sailor Moon. While I understand where these people are coming from emotionally and psychologically, I couldn't disagree more with this perspective.

I think their attitude is unfortunate and counter to what the previous generations of anime fans in America worked towards. I won't go so far as to call myself an "old-timer" since there are many many fans who have been promoting the medium far longer than I have, but I've been involved in fandom since 1990 or so, and have been watching anime (on television) since the early 80s. Not quite a veteran, I've at least taken the time to study the history of fandom and interact with those who helped promote anime before me. The philosophy I've absorbed from them is the overwhelming desire to promote the medium--sharing it with as many people as we can in hopes that it will become more popular so that the creators of anime will benefit and more of the great shows we love will be made.

If it wasn't for the early work of the pioneering anime fans in America to make anime more well known, most of us would not have ever heard of anime in the first place. I'm referring to those fans of yesteryear who brought their nth generation untranslated anime tapes to science fiction and comic book conventions and watched them on tiny televisions in small crowded rooms before there were any dedicated anime conventions. Fans who organized the first official anime video rooms in those conventions and wrote program guides explaining the medium to newly interested fans. Fans who cosplayed at sci-fi conventions but were harassed because their costumes were unknown and not the standard fare at the time. Fans who got together to organize the first anime conventions (this wasn't until 1991, btw). Fans who started the first anime clubs before there were even fansubs and domestically-released anime, where the Japanese speakers translated for everyone on-the-fly or summaries were handed out. Fans who started the first fansub outfits and laid down the philosophy of "By fans for fans" that most reputable fansubbers still abide by. Fans who started their own anime companies to bring the best anime from Japan to the United States. The overriding philosophy behind all this activity is sharing for the greater good of anime and therefore fans of anime.

Anime on television is just another way that anime gets to the American public, and the popularity of those shows helps anime more than it hurts it. Those who claim those shows are not "true anime" due to their target audience (kids, mostly) and their less-than-very-serious storylines are forgetting that a very great proportion of the total anime shows in Japan are in fact for kids, and shows such as Serial Experiments Lain (a personal favorite, btw) and Evangelion are the exception and not the rule in terms of depth and seriousness.

Now, while the popularization of anime is indeed a noble goal, I do have a little problem with the idea of "mainstreaming anime" or "making anime mainstream" as this might imply that the anime should be changed in order to fit mainstream tastes. Instead, I prefer to think of fandom's goal as being: "making mainstream people appreciate anime in its original form" or, using a little bit of jargon, "otakunizing the public". While I disagree with those who question the legitimacy of shows such as Pokemon and Sailor Moon (I mean, those shows are anime even if one doesn't personally like them as much as other shows), I do sympathize strongly with those who are upset at changes made to shows in order to make those shows more appealing to general American audiences.

I understand that at this point in time, it might be necessary for televised anime to be dubbed into English with some changes made to the story, but I accept that very grudgingly. In the long run, I strongly hope that even televised anime will be kept in Japanese and with fewer edits. Regarding edits, I think the situation is at least improving, as the shows tend to be less edited than they used to be (anybody remember what they did to Gatchaman?) mostly due to fans being more informed and vocal. And while Japanese-speaking characters on American television seems a long way off, at least the current shows allow more people to be introduced to anime. Even if those people start off with dubs, there is a decent chance they will eventually discover the greatness of anime in its original language (especially now that most anime DVDs have both versions), especially if us sub fans encourage those people positively (without insulting them).

Some people say that anime should not be televised at all if it has to be dubbed, but I won't go that far because I was introduced to anime by watching dubs of Yamato and Macross/Southern Cross/Mospeada (aka Robotech) and I feel the benefits of that exposure (in my case, at least, and that of many fans I know) outweighed the cost of changing the anime.

I find it interesting that some fans are complaining that anime is getting the undesirable image of being "for kids" due to shows like Pokemon. In Japan, there are different anime for different age groups, yet many Americans have always had an unbalanced perspective regarding the target audience of anime. Early on, to counteract the prejudice that "anime are just cartoons, and cartoons are just for kids", anime fans and companies made sure the mainstream was aware that anime was not just for kids, but included shows with adult themes, extreme violence, and sexual content. At this point, anime predictably earned a reputation for being ultra-violent and sexually explicit. One could say that shows such as Pokemon and Sailor Moon are a boon, because such shows clearly demonstrate that anime can be for kids, too (and as I previously mentioned, this is probably more representative of the anime scene in Japan).

Considering the history of the public's perception of anime, I find it ironic that we now have fans complaining that Pokemon and Sailor Moon are making anime seem like a "kiddified" medium. To counteract such prejudices, it doesn't do any good to say "kids anime are not truly anime", just as it's improper to say "adult anime are not truly anime". A balanced perspective is the most appropriate one, where we let people know that anime encompasses all different genres and styles and has something to offer everyone.

Anime Computer

Computers in the anime-making process (10/29/07)

[an article I wrote for the anime club newsletter I used to edit, slightly modified, and reposted to hopefully shed some light on Mystiria-san's question]

A curious fan once asked me if anime are created using any computer graphics or software. He noted that the art moves so smoothly, he can't believe it's all hand drawn animation.

His question is an interesting one, and one that others might want an answer to. To answer it, it’s important that we distinguish between full 3-D computer-rendered animation (such as Transformers: Beast Wars) and 2-D animation which utilizes computers for various purposes. I think the above question asks more about the use of computers in 2-D animation, so that’s what I’ll focus on.

The use of computers in animation has always been tricky. Animators who adopted some of the early 3-D rendered effects were only modestly successful (if successful at all), and for the most part, one does not see a lot of 3-D rendered anime. Even the early use of computers in 2-D animation proved tricky, as the computer-animated parts tended to stand out and look awkward next to the rest of the cel animation. As such, use of computer-assisted animation tended to be reserved for scenes where conspicuous CG (computer graphics) was deemed appropriate. Some examples I can think of off the top of my head are various scenes in Macross Plus, Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor 2, and Serial Experiments Lain. (Blue Submarine No. 6 uses a lot of conspicuous CG side-by-side with traditional cel animation, but the visual differences are so striking, many fans do not appreciate the effect, though I personally felt it was well-executed.)

With the goal of using CG that is less obvious, animators began experimenting with better ways to mesh/blend computer-generated animation with traditional cel animation. A good example of this approach can be seen in The Vision of Escaflowne. The dragons, some of the flight scenes, and other special effects in Escaflowne heavily utilized computer animation carefully woven into the rest of the anime, although the fact that I can even point out examples means that it was still not perfectly blended in. Some of the special effects in Mononoke Hime also use what is recognizable as computer animation.

Escaflowne and Mononoke Hime are not “old” anime by any means, yet truly modern anime are using computers even more, and if you didn’t notice it explicitly, that means the animators are doing a good job. To cut down the cost of cel production, many studios have begun using computers even as early as the image inking and painting stage. While the original images are still drawn by hand, these images are scanned in, inked and painted by computer, put over what are often computer-generated backgrounds, modified for special effects shots, and then computer-animated. Not only is this process of computer-assisted animation often less expensive than traditional cel animation, it also allows for greater use of special effects and control over the final animation product by the director. I’ve heard people lament that the art of cel-collecting is going to be killed off by computer-assisted animation, but perhaps we should take the more positive perspective: that anime creators now have more tools at their disposal to create the works of art we love. More detailed articles on the use of computers/software in animation can be found at: and

Audio Video Editor

Sony Vegas Pro 8.0, Audio Video editor

  • Drop and drag dari plug-in program Drag and drop from the plug-in program
  • Realtime video ketika proses editing dilakukan Realtime video editing process when done
  • Inteface lebih mudah dan tampil langsung di panel program Inteface more easily and directly appear in a panel program


24 Jan 08 24 Jan 08

Proses akhir render sudah memanfaatkan Mutliple Core Proesor The process is utilizing the final rendering Mutliple Core Proesor
Kemudahan interface, memudahkan dan mempercepat waktu dari proses editing Ease of interface, facilitate and accelerate the process of editing

Sony Vegas Pro adalah sebuah software khusus untuk video dan audio editing. Sony Vegas Pro is a special software for video and audio editing. Saat ini Sony Vegas Pro bukan menjadi tandingan Adobe Premire, sementara Sony Vegas Pro memang belum sepopuler Adobe Premire yang didukung begitu banyak plug-in. Currently, Sony Vegas Pro is not a competitor Adobe Premire, while Sony Vegas Pro not sepopuler Adobe Premire that supported so many plug-ins.

Tetapi Sony Vegas Pro memiliki banyak kemudahan yang tidak dimiliki Adobe Premire. But Sony Vegas Pro has many facilities that are not owned by Adobe Premire. Sony Vegas Pro memiliki interface pada panel langsung tampak dilayar dan fitur Drag and Drop. Sony Vegas Pro has a direct interface on the panel appear dilayar and features Drag and Drop. Bahkan dapat mengunakan multiple monitor. Can even use multiple monitors. Misalnya anda memiliki 2 monitor, sementara 1 monitor digunakan untuk editing, sedangkan monitor lainnya dapat digunakan untuk display hasil video editing. For example, you have 2 monitor, while 1 is used to monitor editing, while the other monitors can be used to display the results of video editing.

Dibawah ini beberapa kemampuan dari Sony Vegas Pro : Below are some of the capabilities of Sony Vegas Pro:

  • Memiliki interface untuk editing lebih persisi dan mudah. Having interface for editing and persisi more easily. Cukup melakukan drag and drop tanpa harus menyelurusi file untuk menyisipkan file gambar atau video. Simply drag and drop files without menyelurusi to insert images or video files.
  • Sony Vegas Pro memiliki interface yang efisien. Sony Vegas Pro has an efficient interface. Kami mencoba software Sony Vegas Pro dan sudah dapat mengerti beberapa interface dari program dalam hitungan jam saja. We try Sony Vegas Pro software and can understand some of the program's interface in just a matter of minutes.
  • Sony Vegas Pro juga mendukung sistem sound 5.1 untuk recording, mix dan lainnya. Sony Vegas Pro also supports 5.1 sound system for recording, Mix and others.
  • Untuk mengedit Video DVD, penguna Sony Vegas Pro cukup menarik file DVD dan langsung dapat dipotong dari software Sony Vegas Pro. To edit a video DVD, Sony Vegas Pro user is quite interesting and DVD files can be deducted directly from Sony Vegas Pro software.
  • Dan masih banyak lagi fitur dari Sony Vegas Pro And many more features of Sony Vegas Pro

Untuk perbandingan dan fitur dari software Sony Vegas Pro dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah ini. For comparison, and features of Sony Vegas Pro software can be seen in the table below.

Vegas Movie Studio+DVD Vegas Movie Studio + DVD
Vegas Movie Studio+DVD Platinum Vegas Movie Studio + DVD Platinum
Vegas Pro Vegas Pro
General General
Includes DVD Architect 4.5 software* Includes DVD Architect 4.5 software *

Includes DVD Architect Studio 4.5 software Includes DVD Architect Studio 4.5 software

DVD authoring and burning DVD authoring and burning
5.1 surround mixing including film-style panning 5.1 surround mixing including film-style panning

5.1 surround and stereo AC-3 encoding 5.1 surround and stereo AC-3 encoding

Interactive “Show Me” tutorials Interactive "Show Me" Markers
Comprehensive window docking options, recallable window layouts Comprehensive window docking options, recallable window view

1,001 Sound Effects 1.001 Sound Effects

Includes music beds, video clips and sound FX Includes music beds, video clips and sound FX

Video Video
Includes multicamera editing tools Includes multicamera editing tools

32 bit float video processing 32 bit float video processing

Sony AVCHD support Sony AVCHD support

Read/Write Read / Write
Burn Blu-ray™ disc from timeline Burn Blu-ray ™ disc from timeline

Digital signage and portrait video support Digital signage, and the portrait video support

Red Eye Reduction (stills) Red Eye Reduction (stills)


SD/HD-SDI support SD / HD-SDI support

Enhanced video monitoring (DV and DVI) Enhanced monitoring video (DV and DVI)
Simultaneous video monitoring (local and external monitor) Simultaneous video monitoring (local and external monitor)

Number of video tracks Number of video tracks
Number of video events per track Number of video events per track
Video Preview Window Video Preview Window
Video effects Video effects
Nearly 300 customizable No transaction fees 300 customizable
Over 377 customizable including NewBlue ® VideoFX MSP Over 377 customizable including NewBlue ® VideoFX MSP
2D and 3D video transitions 2D and 3D video transitions
Over 185 Over 185
Over 239 customizable including NewBlue VideoFX MSP Over 239 customizable including NewBlue VideoFX MSP
Credit rolls/text animation Credit Rolls / text animation
Chroma Key/”Green Screen” effect Chroma Key / "Green Screen" effect
Advanced color correction tools Advanced color correction tools

Primary color correction Primary color correction
Video scopes: WFM/Vector/Parade/Histogram Video scopes: WFM / Vector / Parade / Histogram

Audio Audio
Mixer Console Console Mixer

FLAC file support FLAC files support

Brodcast Wave format support Brodcast Wave format support

Cinescore Plug-in support Cinescore Plug-in support

Gracenote CDDB support Gracenote CDDB support

Max bit-rate/bit depth Max depth bit-rate/bit
Number of audio tracks Number of audio tracks
Number of audio effects Number of audio effects
Over 10 (ExpressFX and track) Over 10 (ExpressFX and track)
Over 20 DirectX effects Over 20 DirectX effects
Over 35 w/5.1 FX Over 35 w/5.1 FX
Effects package folders Effects package folders

DirectX ® plug-in effects support DirectX ® plug-in effects support
x (no automation) x (no Automation)
x (no automation) x (no Automation)
VST plug-in effect support VST effect plug-in support
Audio envelopes Audio envelopes
Volume/Pan Volume / Pan
Volume/Pan Volume / Pan
Volume/Pan/FX Volume / Pan / FX
ACID loop properties support ACID loop properties support
On-the-fly punch-in recording On-the-fly punch-in recording

Audio restoration tools Audio Restoration tools

ASIO™ driver support Asio ™ driver support
Auto-input record monitoring Auto-input record monitoring

Master, auxiliary, and effects bus tracks Master, auxiliary, and the effects bus tracks

Multiple record takes Takes multiple records
Red Book Audio CD Mastering/Burning Red Book Audio CD Mastering / Burning

Audio and video timestretching Audio and video timestretching
Editing and Media Management Editing and Media Management
Real-time nondestructive editing Real-time nondestructive editing
Cursor object snapping across events and timeline Cursor object snapping across events and timeline

Envelope “brush” painting Envelope "brush" painting

Envelope automation recording Envelope Automation record

Pan/Crop tools Pan / Crop tools
Keyboard trimming and event shuffling Trimming the keyboard and shuffling events

Tape-style audio scrubbing Tape-style audio scrubbing
Project nesting Project nesting

AAF import/export AAF import / export

System wide media management System wide media management

A/V synchronization detection and repair A / V Synchronization detection and handle
Real-time event reverse Real-time event reverse
Video track motion control Video track motion control
Application scripting Application scripting

Hardware/Capture/Export Hardware / Capture / Export
No-recompress for Long GOP HDV and XDCAM No-recompress for Long GOP HDV and XDCAM

External control surface support External control surface support

AJA Xena LH, LHe, LS, and LSe board support AJA Xena LH, LHe, LS, and the LSE board support

Import directly from Sony DVD Camcorder Import directly from Sony DVD Camcorder
Export directly to PSP ® (PlayStation ® Portable) system Export directly to the PSP ® (PlayStation ® Portable) system

Render to Apple ® iPod ® compatible format Rendering to the Apple ® iPod ® compatible format

Blackmagic Design DeckLink board support Blackmagic Design DeckLink board support

Windows Media ® 9 support Windows Media ® 9 support
Flash™ .SWF format import Flash ™. SWF format import
Publish to the web at** Publish to the web at **
DV batch capture and scene detection DV batch capture and scene detection
HDV capture HDV capture

Print-to-tape tools Print-to-tape tools
VideoCD and Multimedia CD Burning VideoCD and Multimedia CD Burning
MP3 open and save MP3 open and save
MPEG 1&2 import and encoding MPEG 1 & 2 import and encoding
Custom streaming templates Custom streaming templates

Kemudahan seperti apa dari software Sony Vegas Pro Ease of what software such as Sony Vegas Pro

Sebagai contoh, Sony Vegas Pro sudah menyediakan beberapa visual efek. For example, Sony Vegas Pro already provides some visual effects. Pemakai software ini cukup men-drag and drop dari efek, langsung ke frame film. Users of this software simply drag and drop from the effect, directly to the frame film. Pengaturan tampilan video dan audio, juga dibuat dinamis, misalnya penguna ingin merubah volume suara atau trim / transisi antara 2 gambar video. Setting the display of video and audio, also created a dynamic, for example, a user wants to alter the volume or trim / transition between 2 and video images.

Sony Vegas Pro juga memberikan sistem dinamis pada kontrol dengan bentuk kurva di setiap bagian video atau audio, sehingga tingkat volume dapat dinaik turunkan atau efek video dapat menyatu dan terpisah secara mulus tanpa terasa dapat diedit langsung pada computer. Sony Vegas Pro also provides the system with dynamic control of the curve in every part of the video or audio, so the volume level can dinaik down or video effects can be separately attached and without the smooth feel can be edited directly on the computer. Cara kontrol dari software Sony Vegas Pro lebih menghemat waktu , karena tidak perlu mencari efek gambar yang ada dari daftar, dan semua terlihat dari panel program. How to control the software from Sony Vegas Pro save more time, because it does not need to find a picture of the effects of the list, and all visible from the panel the program. Penguna cukup memilih bentuk efek yang diberikan dan menyisipkan atau menambah efek pada sebuah frame video. User can select the form of securities that are given, and insert or add effects in a video frame.

Banyak lagi kemudahan yang ditawarkan oleh Sony Vegas Pro, seperti efek text dengan scroll seperti tampilan film Hollywood, atau efek text yang melompat dapat disisipkan pada frame film langsung. Many more convenience offered by Sony Vegas Pro, such as text effects, such as scroll with a view Hollywood movies, or text effects, which can be inserted jump movies directly on the frame. Bahkan beberapa fitur transisi seperti Picture in Picture atau menyisipkan video kecil didalam frame video besar sangat mudah dilakukan dengan Sony Vegas Pro Even some of the features of transition, such as Picture in Picture or insert a video in a small frame of the video very easy to do with Sony Vegas Pro

Kebutuhan software Sony Vegas Pro Need software Sony Vegas Pro

Karena efek yang ada dari Sony Vegas Pro, diperlukan perangat cukup baik agar waktu yang digunakan ketika mengedit video atau audio lebih singkat. Because the effects of Sony Vegas Pro, needed perangat good enough so that when the time used to edit video or audio shorter.

Sementara Sony Vegas Pro memerlukan minimal perangkat seperti dibawah ini Meanwhile, Sony Vegas Pro requires a minimum of devices such as below

* Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2 or Windows Vista™ * Microsoft ® Windows ® XP SP2 or Windows Vista ™
* 1 GHz processor (2.8 GHz recommended for HDV) * 1 GHz processor (2.8 GHz recommended for HDV)
* 200 MB hard-disk space for program installation * 200 MB hard-disk space for program installation
* 600 MB hard-disk space for optional Sony Sound Series Loops & Samples reference library * 600 MB hard-disk space for optional Sony Sound Series loops & samples reference library
* 1 GB RAM * 1 GB of RAM
* OHCI-compatible i.LINK® connector1/IEEE-1394DV card * OHCI-compatible i.LINK ® connector1/IEEE-1394DV card
(for DV and HDV capture and print-to-tape) (for DV and HDV capture and print-to-tape)
* Windows-compatible sound card * Windows-compatible sound card
* DVD-ROM drive (for installation from a DVD only) * DVD-ROM drive (for installation from a DVD only)
* Supported CD-recordable drive (for CD burning only) * Supported CD-recordable drive (for CD burning only)
* Supported DVD-recordable drive (for DVD burning only) * Supported DVD-recordable drive (for DVD burning only)
* Supported Blu-ray recordable drive (for Blu-ray burning only) * Supported Blu-ray recordable drive (for Blu-ray burning only)
* Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 * Microsoft. NET Framework 3.0
* QuickTime 7.1.6 or later * QuickTime 7.1.6 or later

Result Result

Karena efek yang ada dari Sony Vegas Pro dilakukan realtime, disarankan perangkat lumayan baik agar tampilan efek dapat langsung terlihat pada mini monitor. Because the effects of Sony Vegas Pro realtime done, recommended the device to display tolerably good effects can be directly visible on the mini-monitor. Pada test untuk software Sony Vegas Pro dengan 3GHz Core 2 Duo dan 3GB memory. In the test for Sony Vegas Pro software with a 3GHz Core 2 Duo and 3Gb memory. Untuk mengedit video sudah cukup memadai. To edit the video is sufficient. Kecuali ketika rendering pada fase final untuk membuat master video yang telah diedit memang diperlukan waktu. Except when rendering the final phase to create a master video was edited to take. Ketika proses editing, software begitu cepat tanpa membuang waktu loading gambar. When the editing process, the software so quickly without removing the image loading time. Bahkan efek pada video yang ingin ditampilkan dapat langsung diproses dengan realtime. Even the effect on the video that you want to be displayed directly processed with realtime.

Dibawah ini beberapa kemudahan dari kelebihan Sony Vegas Pro Below are some of the excess facilities, Sony Vegas Pro

  • Memiliki interface program sangat dinamis, memudahkan operator mengedit video tanpa membuang waktu mencari plug-in yang ada. Has a very dynamic program interface, enables the operator to edit the video without removing the search plug-in available.
  • Kecepatan preview Sony Vegas Pro sangat cepat dan realtime. Speed preview of Sony Vegas Pro is very fast and realtime. Operator cukup melihat pada tampilan layar mini untuk melihat efek yang disisipkan. Plans enough to see on the display screen to see the effect of the mini, which is inserted.
  • Beberapa plug-in yang ada sudah cukup memadai khususnya bagi visual efek gambar video. Some plug-ins that are adequate, especially for the visual effect of video images. Bahkan lebih mudah digunakan dibanding software sejenis yang memerlukan plug-in tambahan. Even easier to use than similar software that requires additional plug-ins.
  • Fasilitas Drag and Drop sangat mempercepat kinerja operator dalam mengedit video. Drag and Drop facility is to accelerate the performance of the operator in the video editing.
  • Posisi audio atau video sangat mudah disesuaikan, sesuai waktu frame sebuah video. Outstanding audio or video is easily adjusted, according to the time frame of a video. Misalnya operator ingin. For example, operators want.
  • Sony Vegas Pro dapat memanfaatkan keceaptan dari multi core procesor ketika fase final dalam pembuatan video Sony Vegas Pro keceaptan can take advantage of multi-core procesor when the final phase in making video

Tips baca email di handphone Tips read the email in the moment

Baca Email di Handphone dengan FLURRY Read Email at Mobile with FLURRY

Diposkan oleh Silver FoX Posted by Silver Fox

undefined undefined,

Dunia saat ini tak bisa dipisahkan dengan teknologi. World currently can not be separated by technology. Bayangkan jika Anda dapat mengecek email Anda, membalas email, mengirim foto, membaca RSS feed, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya hanya dengan satu program kecil. Imagine if you can check your email, reply to emails, send photos, read RSS feeds, and more with only one other small program.
Semuanya dapat Anda lakukan hanya dengan memainkan jemari Anda di handphone. All you can do is play with your finger in the mobile phone.

Adalah Flurry. Flurry is. Sebuah teknologi mobile yang mengusung format J2ME atau Java ini hampir dapat dijalankan di semua handphone yang mendukung Java. A mobile technology that promote the format or J2ME is a Java can run on almost any mobile phone that supports Java. Anda bisa mendownloadnya di Getjar atau langsung di situs resminya You can download the Cutjar or directly at the official site Flurry Flurry
Sekarang Anda tak perlu susah2 lagi membuka email Anda. Now you no longer need to susah2 open your email. Cukup gunakan flurry. Simply use the flurry. Flurry sendiri support dengan beberapa email provider seperti yahoo, hotmail, google, dll. Flurry own support with some email providers like yahoo, hotmail, google, etc..
Kalau Anda menggunakan email dari Google, akan ada beberapa settingan tambahan di email account Anda. If you use an email from Google, there will be some additional setting in your email account. Kalau Anda tak mau repot2 mengganti settingan account, gunakan aplikasi Google Mail Mobile yang dapat didownload dari handphone Anda : If you do not want to change the setting repot2 account, use the Google Mail Mobile application that can be downloaded from your mobile phone:

Friday, November 21, 2008

Toon Boom Tutor

Part 1

User Interface: Drawing and Importing Media

In Toon Boom

Studio, you draw using the Drawing View, Color Palette tab and Pen tab. You can use eith

er the Exposure Sheet or the Timeline to import, manage and work out the timing of your content.

Drawing View

Use the Drawing View to draw and ink & paint your animated content.

You can use the Onion Skin to see all o

f the drawings in a layer and the

Auto Light Table to see all of the drawin

gs in a frame.

aColor Palette tab

Use the Color Palette tab to build color swatches for your scenes.

With Toon Boom Studio you can build different palettes for each character and prop in your scene. You can even create palette styles, which allow you to tint all of the swatches in a palette. When you switch between palette styles, Toon Boom Studio automatically repaints zones filled with the new color value.

Pen tab

Use the Pen tab to organize different pen styles.

Toon Boom Studio can create variable width strokes based on the amount of pressure you apply when drawing with a graphic tablet and pen.

Exposure Sheet

Use the Exposure Sheet to organize the content of your scenes and set up their timing.

You can use the Exposure Sheet to import image and sound files. From sound files, you can generate lip charts, which you can use to lip sync your animations.

User Interface:

Sceneplanning and Animating

After you build your content, you will use the Sceneplanning views to animate your content. You can always retouch drawings in the Camera View that require fixes as a result of sceneplanning transformations.

With Sceneplanning views, you can:

  • Lay out your elements in 3D space. Drawings and images are automatically scaled based on their relative position to the camera.
  • Build motion, rotation and scaling effects through the 3D space.
  • Build effects like color transformations and clipping masks.

Sceneplanning views and their tools will assist you as you animate your content.

Camera View

From the Camera View window, you can see how your scene looks from the view of the camera. You can position elements in this window and design motion, rotation and scaling changes using pegs.

Top View

The Top View displays elements from the top looking down. From this view, you can judge the relative front-back and west-east position of elements.

Side View

From the Side View, you can see how the elements in your scene appear from the side looking across. From this view, you can judge the relative front-back and north-south position of elements.


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Anda sudah pasti mengenal situs Situs tersebut memberikan layanan untuk menayangkan video dari seluruh netter diseluruh dunia. Banyak sekali isi dari seperti video clip, video lelucon atau rekaman video dari pengalaman seseorang.

Intinya bila seseorang memiliki gambar video, baik dari handphone, camcorder atau camera digital atau apa saja yang bentuknya dapat diterima oleh Youtube maka file tersebut bisa disimpan pada situs Youtube. Apakah anda ingin mempublikasikan secara bebas atau untuk kalangan tersendiri, nantinya bisa anda ditentukan sendiri dari fasilitas di situs

Demikian besarnya situs, saat ini telah mengambil separuh dari penguna internet yang ingin menyimpan atau sekedar berkunjung ke situs

Beberapa tayangan film dari ternyata cukup menarik bagi sebagian orang. Sayangnya, tidak memiliki fasilitas untuk menyimpan / download file video yang ada di situs mereka. Tetapi sesuai perkembangan teknologi, beberapa produsen khususnya pengembang software mulai membuat software khusus untuk mendownload file agar dapat disimpan didalam computer dan nantinya dapat diputar ulang tanpa harus menonton langsung disitus

Beberapa pengembang software juga membuat fasilitas tambahan seperti fungsi untuk merubah file dari FLV yang digunakan ke format lain. Tujuannya, agar mereka yang ingin melihat film dari dapat melihat di media lain seperti DVD, VCD, Handphone dan lainnya.

Dibawah ini beberapa software yang kami dapat, sesuai kempuan dan fasilitas yang ada. Termasuk beberapa software shareware dan freeware.